Tecnocom opts for barcelona to create world mobility centre

Business Investments

12 Jul 2012

Spanish infrastructure and communication applications firm tecnocom is to invest some €2 million in setting up a centre of excellence for mobility at its barcelona office, in staff training and development of solutions. it currently employs 20 people in this area and aims to be employing a further 50 by the year 2015, according to the director of applications management of tecnocom, martí concustell.

in the area of mobile applications, tecnocom have already signed a partnership agreement with the fundación bdigital, for whom it developed the platform for testing appytest applications.

tecnocom already runs two centres of excellence in barcelona, specialising in methods of payment (shared with madrid), and that of business intelligence, which has a workforce of 200 people. both centres are connected to the barcelona head office and also receive support from the development centres tecnocom runs in tarragona and girona. all in all, tecnocom has some 1,200 employees in catalonia out of a total workforce of 6,000.

source: la vanguardia 10/7/2012

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