Repsol will invest more than 1,400 million euros in Tarragona for energy transition projects

Business Investments

24 Mar 2021

Energy and petrochemical company Repsol announced an investment plan for its Tarragona Industrial Complex of more than 1,400 million euros in the next five years, mainly focused on energy efficiency projects, circular economy, renewable hydrogen and CO² capture and use.

The Tarragona Complex, which has already started its transformation to become a multi-energy hub, with initiatives such as the production of a first batch of biojet and the first plant on the Iberian Peninsula for the manufacture of high impact resistance polymers, will have a new plant for the production of advanced biofuels.

Repsol’s plans also include a new facility to produce plastics from the recycling of post-consumer materials and the implementation of technologies to improve the efficiency in the consumption of raw materials and energy in its production processes.

Source: Repsol

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