Owens illinois expands barcelona facility

Business Investments

20 Feb 2011

The north american glass recipient maker o-i has recently completed expansion of its barcelona plant with another furnace offering cutting edge technology to the tune of €24m which will enable it to up production by some 35%. the firm will be taking on a score of new employees over the coming months.

the current facility in the zona franca industrial area of barcelona takes up 84,000m2, and following enlargement will be geared to produce bottles lower in weight.

company spokesman françois pierrot adds, “this plant will use europe’s most advanced technology” as the modernised part of the facility is due to help the firm meet its commitments to sustainability, energy saving and reduction of co2 output.

with a greater industrial production, o-i aims to “meet the major demand for glass recipients from food and drink producers in the iberian peninsula,” in the words of o-i iberia boss, gonzalo fernández. production will be particularly focused on bottles for segments such as; cava, liqueurs, wine and mineral water.

o-i, the world’s largest bottle maker, has a total of 81 plants spread across 21 countries, with two in spain, one in barcelona and the other in seville.

source: expansión, 16/2/2011

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