New narrative formats using digital supports

International Events

21 May 2012

Barcelona is once again drawing the welcome attentions of top designers and artists in the world of digital support platforms. from 17th – 19th may the barcelona design hub (dhub) held its first major international event: the tenth offf festival, which has become a benchmark event worldwide in the digital sector over the last decade.

the offf is a must attend event for illustrators, graphics designers, computer programmers and mobile app. creators, also attracting leading lights in photography, film-making (in both 2 and 3-d), music, arts and marketing and the world of advertising.

the festival, which has returned to barcelona following stints in lisbon, new york and paris, is an event not to be missed by anyone connected with the world of design and art. it focuses especially on digital support platforms and is ideal for those wishing to gain an insight into the latest trends and developments in this field.

source: la vanguardia, 13/05/2012

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