Nestlé announces new 37 million euros investment in Girona plant

Business Investments

10 May 2017

Nestlé, the food multinational firm, will make a new investment of 37 million euros in its Nescafé factory in Girona. The aim of the company is to continue developing its production capacity for instant coffee. This new money injection will create a new production line. "It will feature the latest technology, which will allow us to increase capacity and volume, and make the most technologically advanced products", explained Nestlé CEO, Laurent Dereux, on Tuesday.

Thus, production at the Girona plant will rise from 32,000 tons of instant coffee per year to 38,000. "Its good news because the investment will stay in Girona and because it will help us to export even more", explained Dereux. In addition, the expansion of the production lines will mean the hiring of some twenty more staff, to be added to the 750 employees currently working in the plant. Management explained that it has never stopped investing in Girona, not even during the recession. Since 2007 the plant has received a total of 370 million euros worth of investments, which makes it Nestlé’s largest coffee production factory worldwide.

The plant also produces 2.4 billion capsules annually, over 12 production lines. These lines will remain intact, because the 37 million in new money is earmarked entirely for the area of traditional instant coffee. The work will begin in September, just after the company finishes the expansion of the plant financed by its last investment, of 100 million euros. This new construction phase is expected to be completed by the middle of next year.

Source: Diari Ara

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