“Low cost" mobile operator Másmovil moving HQ to Barcelona

Business Investments

11 May 2011

Másmovil, the low cost virtual mobile network operator (vmno), has moved its head office from madrid to barcelona’s parc científic - home to its key shareholder, the capital risk firm inveready.

the company, founded in 2006 by the austrian meinrad spenger and norwegian christian nyborg, achieved sales of €11.2m last year and between direct and indirect employees provides some 100 jobs. according to mr. spenger the move is in keeping with, “our aim to be number one on the catalan market. catalonia has room for growth for mobile operators as, despite its key position as a business and industrial hub, for the moment in the telecom sector it is just simply another market.”

until now only 15% of the workforce of másmovil has been based in catalonia, and mainly in sales. the firm is currently developing a series of contacts with the goal of achieving important sales partnerships with catalan enterprises, or in the words of the founder, “we’re looking for partners to start up new ventures.”

source: la vanguardia, 7/5/2011

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