La upf to create “barcelona school of management”

International Events

06 Jun 2011

The pompeu fabra university has announced the creation of a new business school for barcelona, to be called the barcelona school of management. this new school has been founded with the aim of further strengthening the reputation of the city in the field of management training, taking a further step to broaden the range of recognised opportunities already available in barcelona. the el idec-upf, a private, non-profit making foundation set up in 1993 by the university, will be the owner of this new educational establishment, which is to receive further backing from such key institutions in the community as; the barcelona chamber of commerce, enagas, catalunya caixa, and the law firms; cuatrecasas, gonçalves pereira y garrigues.

the barcelona school of management will comprise a range of training activities including; economics, business and public administration. the first student intake is set for this coming september.

source: idec, upf, 6/6/2011

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