Intel to create supercomputer development lab in barcelona

Business Investments

18 Nov 2011

The american firm intel has issued a press release to the effect that it has signed an accord with the centro de supercomputación de barcelona (bsc) in order to create a laboratory based in barcelona to develop exascale supercomputing at levels above that of exaflop, offering a calculation capacity some 1,000 times better than that of the most powerful systems currently in use.

the new laboratory, which would provide jobs for at least twelve people, will be set up in the barcelona supercomputing centre and focus its attention on software and the levels of parallel performance required in order to fully exploit the properties of supercomputers based on intel’s future it architecture.

the barcelona laboratory, to be known as the 'intel and bsc exascale laboratory’, will be the latest addition to the company’s european research network, which already has 25 r+d centres on the continent, employing some 1,500 professionals.

source: expansion, 16-11-2011

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