Intel announces partnership with Barcelona Supercomputing Center to establish a joint lab for advanced computing

Business Investments

16 Mar 2022

The US tech company Intel announced a partnership with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to establish joint labs in Barcelona to advance computing.

According to Intel, the company and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center have been collaborating on exascale architecture over the past decade. Now, they will be developing zettascale architecture for the next decade.

This agreement is part of Intel’s announcement to invest as much as 80 billion euros in the European Union over the next decade along the entire semiconductor value chain – from research and development (R&D) to manufacturing to state-of-the-art packaging technologies.

Intel plans to invest an initial 17 billion euros into a leading-edge semiconductor fab mega-site in Germany, to create a new R&D and design hub in France, and to invest in R&D, manufacturing and foundry services in Ireland, Italy, Poland and Spain.

With this landmark investment, Intel plans to bring its most advanced technology to Europe, creating a next-generation European chip ecosystem and addressing the need for a more balanced and resilient supply chain.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Barcelona Supercomputing Center’s main infrastructure is MareNostrum, one of the fastest supercomputers in Europe, which is undergoing its 4th update that will allow it to achieve a peak performance of 13.9 Petaflops.

In addition to working with Intel, MareNostrum has conducted research projects on climate change, gravitational waves, a vaccination against AIDS, new radiation treatments to fight cancer and simulations relating to the production of fusion energy, among others.

Source: Intel and Barcelona Supercomputing Center


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