GFT, the German IT company to create 150 jobs in Lleida

Business Investments

09 Sep 2011

The german multinational gft, it service and solutions provider is to generate some 150 new jobs in lerida’s science and technology park, according to the city council, with some forty employees to be taken on in the initial phase. founded in 1987 by ulrich dietz, current ceo of the group, gft turned over nearly 250 million euro last year and employs a workforce of over 1,300 professionals across 7 countries.

the company has been present in spain since 1996 and already provides work for 850 people with operations in madrid, valencia, zaragoza and barcelona, from where it also runs its brazilian operations for sorocaba and sao paulo.

in addition to gft, mayor of lleida angel ros is confident that the company, saltó tecnological will also set up in the same area. the firm was created from an enterprise nursery and includes; agrofood, specialising in programming in the feedstuff sector and expected to create six jobs, axeb biotechnologia - due to hire four workers, and ilnova; an industrial design firm specialised in mechatronics, which is planning to take on 12 new members of staff. the council insists that the park is gradually consolidating its position as one of the major poles of attraction for businesses and consequently employment in the lleida area. at present the park provides jobs for 1,100 people. 

source: expansión 8/9/2001

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