Freudenberg invests 40 million euros in adapting textile production at plant in parets del vallès towards industrial applications

Business Investments

20 Jun 2012

Freudenberg has spent €40 million on its facilities at parets del vallès to transform general textile production to that of a greater value added activity; that of producing fibres with industrial applications instead.

"worldwide, textile output is increasingly less european and more of an asian dominated industry. as this became totally clear, the company opted to swap woven fabric production for unwoven and industrial fabrics as the best option, rather than simply move output elsewhere,” explained chief executive of freudenberg, spain, jaume cané. spanish facilities have now taken on production of industrial materials formerly undertaken in germany.

the group, which has been established in the peninsula for over 40 years, has a total workforce of 700 employees spread among its four production plants, which occupy over 60,000 square metres of its site at parets del vallès, in the province of barcelona.

the north european multinational is famous for the manufacture of the vileda range of cleaning materials, which accounts for 40% of turnover of the subsidiary. apart from the vileda range, the company also manufactures products for a host of sectors of spanish industry, ranging from the automotive, chemical, energy production, medical, pharma, textile, mechanical and engineering industries, as well as that of distribution.

this year, the firm aims to boost sales in the automotive components sector in spain, in which, “80% of our production currently goes for export,” added mr. cané.

source: cinco días, 19/06/2012

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