Essity opens in Barcelona its Center of Excellence for the supply chain at a global level

Business Investments

29 Sep 2021

Essity, a leading global company in hygiene and health products and solutions, has established its Center of Excellence in Barcelona for the group's supply chain and logistics operations at a global level. The company's goal is to implement a new operating model for supply planning that allows better forecasting of demand from customers and optimizes performance.

With this initiative, Essity also takes a step forward in the digital transformation of its business, since the new Center of Excellence is committed to the most advanced technology and the recruitment of highly specialized talent. The Center of Excellence has a team of 60 people, and the forecast is to create 180 new positions until 2024.

José Ramón Iracheta, Country Manager of Essity Iberia, said: "Barcelona is an exceptional location for our Center of Excellence since it concentrates a good part of the specialized talent and the necessary training in the supply chain that we need to improve efficiency and achieve the best practices".

Today, Essity has more than 200 warehouses around the world, from which nearly 3,000 full truckloads leave each business day. The centralization of its management in a single system will allow the company to consolidate the information of all the production plants and suppliers.

The ability to develop statistical forecasts to anticipate and plan for demand, as well as the standardization of processes and greater automation of warehousing will optimize the performance of the entire company.

With headquarters in Stockholm (Sweden), Essity sells in over 150 countries under brands like Tena, Tork, Leukoplats or Lotus, and has 46,000 workers globally. In 2020, the company’s turnover reached 12,000 million Euros.

Source: Essity

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