Duscholux chooses barcelona as launch pad for latin american expansion

Business Investments

08 Oct 2011

German shower screen manufacturer duscholux has decided that its barcelona subsidiary will be entrusted with expanding into the latin american market. in addition, from this year on, duscholux ibérica has also taken on the responsibility of re-establishing commercial activity in france, where the former sales operation closed in 2009, according to francisco albertos, ceo of duscholux ibérica. the group runs a total of five production plants based in; barcelona, switzerland, the uk, middle east and thailand, with the chief design and engineering facility in germany.

mr. albertos went on to explain that duscholux ibérica’s turnover dropped to just under €12 million in 2010, far below the €22 million recorded back in 2007, accompanied by a cut in the workforce from 82 to 65 over the same period. yesterday, the iberian operation opened a new showroom in the zona franca district at a cost of €1.5 million, as part of its strategy to boost sales in the region. from its barcelona base, duscholux aims to move into mexico, chile and brazil with its products fitted in major building developments, although it is ongoing growth in france that should allow the firm to consolidate its path back to growth in the short term by holding on to the €12 million in turnover for the current year with a and rise to meet forecasts of €14 million for the coming year.

source: la vanguardia, 28/09/2011

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