Dolby sets up in barcelona

Business Investments

25 Mar 2013

barcelona continues to climb the rankings in the world of technology and this means more than just mobile phones, applications and e-commerce. now comes the turn of sound. dolby, us world leader in the field has opted to make barcelona its first european r+d centre and only the second in the world.

the decision made by the firm from across the atlantic has much to do with last year's purchase of the promising catalan start up: imm sound. this small firm specialised in developing 3-d sound for cinemas and caught dolby's eye. the company made a move and tookover the local business in order to further its grip on the latest audio technology being developed by imm, becoming dolby atmos. now the head office has decided to go the whole way in confiding in barcelona, opening its r+d centre, in the 22@ high tech area, where they aim to develop new cinema technologies.

source: el periódico, 16/3/2013

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