Danone invests 12 million euros in Barcelona to open its first division for plant-based products in Europe

Business Investments

14 May 2021

The French company Danone has invested €12M in its factory in Parets del Vallès (Barcelona) to open a new production line for plant-based references.

With this new line, the site in Catalonia becomes the first Danone center in Europe for the production of vegetable alternatives to yogurt, based on coconut and oats.

This ​​is Danone's first hybrid factory which will produce both dairy yogurts and plant-based alternatives. The production will reach both local and international markets, under the brands ALPRO, Activia, and Oikos.

Danone opened its factory in Parets del Vallès in 1982. Nowadays it occupies 51,000 m² and employs 181 people, including 12 new positions for the new plant-based production line.

Source: Danone

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