Continental to manufacture electric motor components in Rubí

Business Investments

16 Oct 2011

The German multinational Continental is to open a new production line in its Rubí factory in the Vallès Occidental in order to produce parts for electric motors, according to the announcement made by the Catalan Government Head of Trade and Employment, Francesc Xavier Mena.

The Project will enable Continental to expand its current workforce of 450 at its Rubí plant, taking on “quite a number” of new workers, Continental Automotive Spain’s CEO Xavier Pujol was quoted as saying, although he did not go on to specify the exact amount of the investment earmarked for the initiative. Pujol added that the German group had opted to locate the new production line in Rubí due to the “major” support provided by the Catalan Government.

Continental has in fact decided to transfer manufacturing of consumption control systems for electric motors from another European plant to Rubí, which until now made components for vehicle interiors. By the end of 2012, the new line will be fully operational with an estimated throughput of 250,000 parts a year in its Vallès facility.

Source: El Periódico, 14/10/2011

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