Consumer goods summit moves from japan to barcelona

International Events

10 Jun 2011

Barcelona is set to host the latest edition of the consumer goods forum: an international summit attended by managers of some of the world’s major consumer goods producers. the organisers of the summit., due to be held in japan, were obliged to look for urgent alternatives given the current situation in the country, and hence opted for an alternative host venue. with a few months to spare, the summit is now to be hosted by barcelona. the event will be run in collaboration with aecoc and held in the ccib in the barcelona forum complex.

within the framework of the congress world leaders in major consumer products are set to discuss matters related to looking for formulas and strategies focused on improving synergies between manufacturers and distributors with an eye to improving the quality of life of their end consumers. the organisers expect that representatives of over 650 enterprises from some 70 countries will attend the event.

source: expansión cataluña, 9/6/2011

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