Cofares to spend 46,5 million euros to strengthen its position in the catalan market

Business Investments

30 Apr 2011

Following its purchase of catalan distributors vicente ferrer, discasa and vallesfarma en 2009, spain’s largest cooperative pharma enterprise is about to invest a further €46.5m in bolstering its logistical capacity in catalonia, where it provides service to some 900 pharmacies.

the bulk of the investment will be made in a new automated warehouse the company has been building in barberà del vallès. this logistics hub, which covers 10,000m2, represents an investment of €44.2m, with more than half this amount allocated to the setting up of the facility and robotics technology using radio frequency identification techniques commonly referred to as (rfid). the aim of the venture is to make the centre into a benchmark facility of cofares in cataluña providing orders for pharmacies open on night duty and for emergency supplies.

the cooperative will still run its logistics centre in sant boi, but now this facility will be restructured to providing service for southern catalonia. cofares has also invested a further €4.3m to set up another distribution point in riudellots de la selva, by gerona airport. the centre, which covers some 2,000 m2, will allow the firm to expand the product portfolio it can offer clients, while enhancing supply service to pharmacies in province of gerona.

source: expansión, 25/04/2011

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