American technology company Dataxstream opens its first European headquarters in Barcelona

Business Investments

03 Jun 2024

The company will create 30 jobs in the Catalan capital, from where it will centralize the growth of its business activity in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

The American technology company Dataxstream is set to establish its first European headquarters in Barcelona, creating 30 new jobs. The company has developed software to help other businesses optimize the management of complex orders. This move signifies Dataxstream's commitment to expanding its operations in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

“Barcelona and Catalonia have a lot to offer, strong tech ecosystem, prestigious universities internationally, and we are impressed by the diversity of profiles and the level of local talent”

Jean-Jérôme Peytavi, Dataxstream's EMEA president

To establish itself in Catalonia, Dataxstream has had the support of the Government through ACCIÓ-Catalonia Trade & Investment - the agency for Business and Competitiveness of the Department of Business and Labour.

According to Dataxstream's EMEA president, Jean-Jérôme Peytavi, "We are delighted to open our office in Barcelona and Catalonia: the city and the territory have a lot to offer, the technological ecosystem is strong, the universities are prestigious internationally, and we are impressed by the diversity of profiles and the level of local talent". Jean-Jérôme Peytavi assures that "ACCIÓ-Catalonia Trade & Investment has helped us enormously in our decision and has guided us very efficiently since our first visit from the United States". In this sense, he adds that "our expansion responds to the desire to offer our product to SAP customers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and to the growing global demand for a more efficient service for solutions of this kind".

Dataxstream develops a software platform linked directly to the SAP IT system to optimize multi-channel sales execution. This platform enables customers to simplify complex order management and accelerate sales processes, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The company also offers advice, consultancy, and services for gradually adapting and integrating the platform and technology to the client's business model. At the same time, Dataxstream can provide complementary artificial intelligence and machine learning services.

From its established Barcelona office, the company will focus on identifying business opportunities in the Catalan, Spanish, and international markets and enhancing its product.

About Dataxstream

Dataxstream is an American company with 90 employees headquartered in Williamsburg, Virginia, United States, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, with over 25 years of experience.

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