Zentropa heads to spain

Catalan Economy

20 Sep 2009

Lars von trier and peter aelbaek jensen's zentropa is launching a spanish outpost headed by barcelona-based producer david matamoros.

zentropa intl. spain will produce a number of director-driven films each year from "established and new talent with commercial appeal and highly distinctive visions, fresh voices," says matamoros. depending on the project, zentropa can become involved as a producer, co-producer or co-financer, in and out of spain.

zentropa has spread out far beyond its native denmark, it now has production outfits in norway, sweden, estonia, latvia, poland, germany, holland and france. "to be an accepted player in a country, we have to be involved domestically at all levels, new and established talent, creating the right mix," says peter garde, zentropa chief financial officer.

"catalonia and spain offer great talent and diversity. it's one of the best trademarks we have, a great international credential," matamoros says.

source: el país, 18/09/2009

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