The Port of Barcelona reduces import container fees to help ease the economic impact of COVID-19

Catalan Economy

06 Apr 2020

The Port of Barcelona has approved an extraordinary import container storage fee to reduce the higher costs importers have to face due to the impact of coronavirus in Catalonia. From March 31, 2020 until April 13, import containers located in the container terminals will pay a flat rate of 2 euros per TEU and day.

The decision to approve this flat rate responds to the latest measures taken by the Spanish Government that regulate a recoverable paid leave for workers that do not provide essential services, in order to reduce population mobility to fight against COVID-19. This Royal Decree-law involves, in practice, the suspension of all activities that do not constitute an essential service.

In a press release, the Port of Barcelona acknowledges that “the forced closure of companies has consequences regarding imported merchandise. The goods are forced to be stored in the container terminals by legal imperative, “making it impossible for the importers to remove it”.

Furthermore, the Port of Barcelona announced that while this new storage fee is in effect, the time spent in the containers will also be suspended and will not be calculated for the total cost of stay.

As an example, with the new flat fee, a container unloaded on March 21 at the Port of Barcelona that will not be able to leave the terminal until April 20 will benefit from around 65% on savings on stay costs.

Source: Port of Barcelona

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