The Port of Barcelona closes 2021 with a turnover of 151 million euros, a 9% increase over 2020

Catalan Economy

23 Feb 2022

The Port of Barcelona ended 2021 with a turnover of 151 million euros, 9% more than 2020. This positive figure is in line with the increase in freight traffic, which was 66.4 million tonnes, a rise of 11.8% over 2020.

"We are only 1.5% below the total traffic reached in 2019, before the pandemic, when we beat our all-time high," said the Port of Barcelona’s president, Damià Calvet. This has been possible because all major traffic, with the exception of bulk liquids, finalised the year on a positive note.

Damià Calvet added that "the Port of Barcelona closes 2021 with a cash flow of €83 million, which allows us to continue developing our strategic agenda and create the necessary conditions to help the economy grow."

Container traffic

In container traffic, 2021 also broke records, with a total of 3.5 million TEUs and a 19.3%. growth rate. This compares positively with 2019, with a 6.2% increase.

The general manager of the Port of Barcelona, José Alberto Carbonell, explained that “more and more shipping companies are relying on the Port of Barcelona, and not only to move exports and imports, but also for their transhipments. And that translates into even greater customer diversification. The excellent productivity of the Port of Barcelona’s terminals and the high quality of the stowage, together with a great network of services means we are one of the first choices for shipping companies”.

More dynamic markets

During 2021, those countries with a more active trade relationship with the Port of Barcelona were – in the case of container exports – China, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and Saudi Arabia.

In terms of imports, the main emitting markets for goods arriving to the Port of Barcelona were China, Turkey, India, the United States and South Korea, in that order.

Source: Port of Barcelona

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