The digital sector generates the most employment in Barcelona, according to a LinkedIn report

Catalan Economy

11 Dec 2020

Digital skills and jobs related to technology are a consolidated trend in Barcelona. This is one of the conclusions drawn from the LinkedIn's Economic Graph, a report that analyzes the state of digital talent in the city, presented by Mobile World Capital Barcelona and LinkedIn.

The study, drawn up from LinkedIn's own data collected over the last year, aims to offer a detailed picture of the current situation of the digital sector in Barcelona, ​​focusing both on the skills of professionals and on the evolution of the different types of professions.

The Software and Information Technology sector stands out above any other when it comes to employing professionals in Barcelona. Its percentage (15%) is higher than that of Manufacturing (10%), Corporate Services (9%), Consumer Goods (7%) and Education (7%). These results are aligned with those of the Barcelona Digital Talent Overview 2020, presented last June, which set the growth of digital workers at 14%.

Through the profiles of professionals with residence in Barcelona, ​​LinkedIn has concluded that 76% have digital competences in their list of skills. These skills include Animation, Video Game Development, Graphic Design or Data Storage Technologies.

For their part, 24% of professionals already master the so-called disruptive digital skills, focused on Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity or Robotics. Workers with these types of skills are more likely to serve large or medium-sized companies (59%).

The LinkedIn report also analyzes how the skills of professionals in Barcelona have evolved in the last year. In the list of the ten fastest growing skills are six from the field of digital development: Analytics, Python, Agile Methodologies, Information Technology, Data Analysis and Technical Support.

Source: Mobile World Capital

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