The Canadian firm Solium opens an operations centre in Barcelona to expand its presence in the EMEA region

Catalan Economy

20 Oct 2016

•    The Director General of Industry, Núria Betriu, opened this Wednesday afternoon the company’s new office in the Catalan capital’s city centre, where 24 jobs are being created.

•    Solium, with 524 employees around the world, offers software services to companies working in the area of asset management, financial information and legal consultancy.

•    The company’s investment project was supported by the Catalan Government through the offices of Catalonia Trade & Investment, ACCIÓ’s area of foreign investment attraction. 

Barcelona, October 21, 2016.- The Director General of Industry, Núria Betriu, opened this Wednesday the operations centre that the Canadian company Solium has set up in Barcelona. This investment project means the creation of 24 jobs and has been supported by the Catalan Government through the offices of Catalonia Trade & Investment, ACCIÓ’s area of foreign investment attraction.

Solium, which provides software services to companies in the field of asset management, financial information and legal consultancy, has 524 employees internationally and is present in 170 markets. The new operations centre in Barcelona joins the other offices the company has in Canada, the United States, Australia, France and the UK. 

Thanks to this new Barcelona location, the company will provide service to the whole world via a multilingual client service centre and will be one of the offices in charge of the company’s expansion in the EMEA region. The Director General of Industry and CEO of ACCIÓ, Núria Betriu, celebrated Solium’s investment in Catalonia and assured that “projects like these demonstrate Catalonia’s capacity to attract foreign investment and talent, and projects that represent employment and wealth for the country”.

Thanks to all these factors, he emphasised that the Catalan capital is "now we can provide service in the majority of native European languages, a key competitive advantage which will help to expand our leadership position in the region. Furthermore, Barcelona is a world-class city, which attracts talent from all over the world”. With the new offices in Barcelona, Craig has stressed that “over the last year we’ve seen heavy growth in new business throughout the entire EMEA region, especially on continental Europe, and we expect this growth to continue”During the opening, Solium’s EMEA Managing Director, Brian Craig, stated that “a great place to expand our services”.

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