The Barcelona Design centre launches Inspired in Barcelona, a new platform to promote Catalan creative talent and design internationally

Catalan Economy

10 Feb 2021

The Barcelona Design centre has created Inspired in Barcelona®, a new virtual platform to promote creative talent and design inspired in Barcelona with an international scope.

The platform will show companies and professionals linked to the creative industries and will serve for the promotion of talent made in Barcelona through projects or exhibitions of different sectors (contract, food design, digital creativity, crafts, interior design or visual arts, among others).

Inspired in Barcelona will also provide updates on relevant events held in Barcelona and Catalonia that are a global reference in creativity and design, such as the Barcelona Design Week, Foodture Barcelona, ​​OFFF Festival, b'Ars Festival, Blanc Festival, or Craft Week.

In a second phase, the project will include a marketplace to facilitate the internationalization of creators, small businesses and emerging projects, allowing them to open to new audiences and markets.

Inspired in Barcelona has the support of the Barcelona City Council and the collaboration of Catalonia Trade & Investment.

According to UNESCO, the creative industries accounted for 2.6% of world GDP before Covid-19 and employed 30 million people. In Europe, the creativity sectors account for 4.2% of GDP according to the European Commission, with 12 million jobs, representing 7.5% of the total workforce.

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