T-Systems chooses Barcelona as a Private Cloud Region

Business Investments · Tech & Digital Transformation

20 Feb 2024

The Deutsche Telekom subsidiary will use its data centers in Barcelona (Sant Boi and Cerdanyola) to serve the public sector and industries such as the automotive industry.

T-Systems, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, has chosen Barcelona to establish its new private cloud region in Southern Europe.

This region will have two data centers located in Barcelona (Sant Boi and Cerdanyola), which will act virtually as one, known as twin-DC. T-Systems will use these data centers to serve the public sector and automotive, food, and construction industries.

“This new cloud region is a sign of our commitment to developing a robust infrastructure that supports increasing digitization and the data economy in Europe”

Ferri Abolhassan, T-Systems's CEO

Cloud regions consist of different data centers connected through a low-latency regional network. These centers are isolated from others to improve stability in case of failure. This setup aims to improve the availability and resilience of data in the cloud.

T-Systems has developed a private cloud service called the Future Cloud Infrastructure platform, which it will use in this new region. The platform bridges the gap between legacy and on-premises systems and between private and public clouds.

According to T-Systems's CEO Ferri Abolhassan, "This new cloud region is a sign of our commitment to developing a robust infrastructure that supports increasing digitization and the data economy in Europe".

In addition to Spain, T-Systems has cloud regions in Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands. With the facilities and FCI platform in this region, T-Systems reinforces the technological infrastructure of the Deutsche Telekom group.

T-Systems continues to consolidate its cloud services in Spain, and last year, the company maintained a growth rate greater than double digits, supported by a more than 20% increase in digitalization services compared to 2022. Cloud services continue to grow above 10%, defying the market trend. According to Osmar Polo, managing director of T-Systems Iberia, "This region places us as a key player within the group for the development of Cloud services and consolidates our position as one of the leading providers in Spain".

Source: T-Systems

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