Report: Catalonia’s battery industry

Catalan Economy

28 Mar 2022

The battery sector generates around 700 million euros in Catalonia and is made up of 212 companies with a combined workforce of some 3,000 workers. These figures come from the new tech report Batteries in Catalonia, drawn up by Catalonia Trade & Investment, which for the first time gives an x-ray of the reality of this sector in Catalonia.

The study highlights the industrial, business and research ecosystem upon which Catalonia positions itself as a relevant player in the European landscape, albeit within a sector still in its very early days.

According to the analysis of the study, 43.9% of these 212 companies are dedicated to batteries application and integration, more than half of which are focused on mobility.

Likewise, 22.6% operate in the first links of the battery value chain, from materials to systems. Furthermore, 18.4% of companies work in the manufacture and management of electric vehicles chargers.

As regards the kinds of companies, 70% are SMEs and 18.4% are startups. It is also a globalized sector, with 54.2% of companies being exporters.

In addition, the Catalan battery ecosystem is made up of companies throughout the entire value chain: from the active materials, cells and components, to recharging stations and the recycling points that offer a second life, as well as application and integration.

This environment is complemented by a wide variety of technology centres, research institutes, universities, training centres and associations.

Sustainable mobility is boosting the battery sector

Battery use affects a significant part of productive sectors, but its momentum in the area of sustainable mobility is particularly noteworthy. Automotive, light mobility (such as bicycles or scooters) and heavy (trains, trucks, boats or planes) are some of the most in-demand applications for this technology.

Energy storage for domestic use or industry is also one of the main applications in the sector, with a growing demand from the general public and businesses to move ahead with decarbonisation.

Finally, those batteries applied to electronics, cellphones and medical devices also represent a third major area of demand.

Batteries, a key element to meet the European Green Deal

Batteries, as energy storage systems that produce electrical current, form a key part of decarbonizing our economy.

According to the Catalonia Trade & Investment report, the global battery market turnover will double over the next five years, reaching $91.9 billion in 2026 at an annual growth rate of 14.6%.

Europe is set to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050, a goal which means developing a powerful battery ecosystem is especially relevant. This is the case, for example, in the industrial field, as it represents a key technology for any decarbonization plans.

Download the report Batteries in Catalonia

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