New immigration measures make it easier to obtain an identity card for foreign workers in Spain

Catalan Economy

20 Jan 2021

The Spanish Government, through the Secretary of State for Migration, has recently adopted a new measure for foreigners without an Identity Card for Foreign Nationals (TIE). This new measure will speed up the settling of non-natives living in Spain or planning to, by accelerating the administrative procedures.

The TIE is a biometric card for non-EU citizens featuring the identity details of a foreigner who lives in Spain. This is a requisite for those who reside and work in Spain for periods over 6 months.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the process of obtaining appointments to process the TIE in police stations, a procedure that must be done in person, became severely backlogged and was undergoing delays of several months.

As of now, applicants that are in the process of getting the TIE in physical format may use the official application document to carry out any other administrative formalities (i.e. registering the Spanish Social Security, opening a bank account, etc.). This will have full validity vis-à-vis the public administration.

If you need further information about this new procedure, please click here (information in Spanish).

If you are an international company with an investment project in Catalonia and you need help with immigration or foreign affairs matters, contact the International Mobility Service of Catalonia Trade & Investment and we will help you with our free and tailor-made services. Learn more here.

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