Ferrer, Leti and Oryzon to collaborate in R&D

Catalan Economy

21 Nov 2009

Pharmaceutical companies Ferrer and Leti and biotech firm Oryzon have announced the creation of the Oncochip alliance to further develop cancer research in Catalonia. Madrid-based Ingenasa and Navarra’s CIMA are also to participate in the project.

With a budget of over EUR 20 million, Oncochip will focus on the design of therapies for early diagnosis of ovarian cancer, melanoma and colon cancer. Oryzon specializes in the detection of cancer biomarkers and is already working with Reig Jofré on uterine cancer research.

Ferrer, Leti and Oryzon also plan to create a new partnership next year to develop nanotechnology projects.

Source: Expansión Cataluña 16/11/2009

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