EADA Business School rated as one of the best of the world

Catalan Economy

27 Jan 2020

Barcelona- based EADA Business School has been rated among the top nine business schools for their positive impact in society, according to the Positive Impact Rating (PIR). This a new student-voted global evaluation led by the Positive Rating Association, based in Davos (Switzerland), which has the support of United Nations Global Compact, OXFAM International and WWF.

This rating shows the top 30 institutions which have performed well. EADA Business School was chosen as one of the nine institutions to be included in the level 4 rating of “transforming schools”. These schools received a higher evaluation than the rest for their impact incorporated into the school’s culture (+18%) and governance (+23%), which are considered essential dimensions for a change impact process.

The students also rated these schools highly for including sustainability and social commitment in their mission and for the degree in which these factors are considered the driving force behind the school.

Students highlighted two fundamental areas when evaluating EADA Business School: leadership development as the basis of all of its programmes, and the strong EADA community which organises both academic and extracurricular activities related to social and environmental issues.

In the first edition of the Positive Impact Rating, the organisation selected students from the top 50 business schools in the world from the Financial Times Master’s in Management 2018 t(FT) ranking, as well as the top 50 from the Corporate Knights Green MBA (CK) ranking. In total, 51 business schools took part in the evaluation process.

Source: EADA

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