Catalonia producing 47% of spanish film content

International Events

10 Jul 2011

According to the recent study into film production; producció cinematogràfica de catalunya undertaken by economist carles josé solsona and edited by the pompeu fabra university, of a total of 2,357 full-length feature films produced between 1985 and 2009 in spain, 713 of these enjoyed active participation from the catalan film-making industry.

in the past, catalan productions had rarely surpassed the 30% mark in terms of their share of feature film productions in spain, however in the last three years, the local industry is going through a purple patch, which has seen its contribution rise to 47% in 2010, very nearly half all national output.

catalan film producers have invested a total of €655.5 million in films over the last decade and figures bear out this increase, as catalonia has taken on 6.5% of all european production over the last three years.

source: la vanguardia, 7/7/2011

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