Catalonia exports set new historical record: more than 60,000 million euros

Catalan Economy

19 Feb 2015

Catalan exports set a new historical record in 2014 for a fourth consecutive year, growing by 3.1%, up to €60,194.5m for the first time in history. as it was pointed out during the presentation of the general council of the catalan chambers of commerce’s international action plan 2015, catalan companies have entered emergent regions, with a special focus on markets such as algeria, brazil, turkey, russia and china. the catalan growth has overcome that from spain (2.5%), the euro area (1.8%) and from the eu (1.3%). catalonia leads, furthermore, spain’s exportations, representing a 25.1% of the total amount.

regarding sectors, those that have grown the most in comparison with the previous year have been automotive (with more than €9bn and a growth of 6.8%), chemical (with a total volume over €16bn and an increase of 3.5%) and capital goods (which represents about €10.5bn and an increase of 2.5%).

there are now 16,000 catalan firms that regularly export, which prove that efforts for internalization are an actual “structural factor” of the catalan economy, rather than a short-time trend.

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