Catalan Anna Navarro is the most influential woman in tech in 2020, according to Analytics Insight

Catalan Economy

14 Dec 2020

The Catalan Anna Navarro is the world’s most influential woman in the field of technology in 2020, according to Analytics Insight magazine. Navarro (known professionally as Anna N. Schlegel) is the current vice president of NetApp, a global data storage company based in Silicon Valley, where she leads a team of two hundred people.

According to, Navarro has been chosen for her career, her contribution to engineering, and for making women visible in the field of technology. "There are a lot of women around the world and from various professional fields who also deserve this distinction, but it went to me and I feel very excited," Navarro told

Analytics Insight is a magazine specializing in technology and big data analytics. The current issue dedicates its cover and an interview with Navarro, and it also includes a global list of the ten most influential women in tech.

Source: ACN, and Analytics Insight

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