BCN closes fashion week with record breaking figures

Catalan Economy

31 Jan 2012

Those responsible for running the 080 barcelona fashion catwalk and the urban fashion fair the “brandery” – the two driving forces behind barcelona fashion week, have expressed their delight at the record number of visitors and results returned by both events in the month of january. the 080 catwalk broke its existing record, doubling visitor numbers to the fashion shows with 12,000 attending, and over 13,000 members of the public turning out for the event.

the brandery drew in over 30,000 people in total, and director miquel serrano enthusiastically pointed out that, “this sixth edition has exceeded expectations and has clearly shown that this format, open to professionals and public alike has taken shape,” adding, “we’ve been backing the format that best fits the needs of the sector at the current time, without forgetting that this is more than just a business, where millions of euros change hands, but one which acts as a mouthpiece of expression for contemporary culture today.”

source: el periódico, 31/1/2012

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