Open call: High Impact Business Investments 2019

Business Investments

02 Apr 2019

Catalonia Trade & Investment has opened the first 2019 call for the High Impact Business Investments grants programme.

This call has a budget of 2,000,000€ with the aim to attract new business activity to Catalonia, create new job positions and foster investments in productive assets.

The 2019 call for applications opened on March 20th and will end on May 20th, 2019.

Grants program to attract new business activities

The aim of this programme is to attract new business activity to Catalonia, both from companies not established here and from those with a presence already here. The projects should fall within one of the following categories:

  • Job creation projects in ICT service centres, logistic centres, international decision centres or industrial facilities.  
  • Investment projects with a minimum investment of €2.5 million euros in fixed assets. 
  • Investment projects in acquired companies that were in state of insolvency. 
  • Creation of new R&D centres or extension of existing ones in Catalonia. 
  • Large investment projects in new industrial facilities.

For more information, please click here or contact us.



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