Indian firm Heaven on Earth chooses Barcelona to introduce its firsts express spas in Europe
29 Jan 2016
Barcelona, January 29, 2016. – The Indian firm Heaven on Earth has opened its first express spas in Europe in Barcelona Airport. These spas are located within the airport facilities, offering massages and Indian therapies between 15 to 90 minutes before or after a flight.
To open these express spas, the company received the support of the Catalan Government via Catalonia Trade & Investment. The public agency gave its support in the recruiting plan, provided the company with full information about the legal context and offered a specialized service of international executive mobility.
With this project, which represented an investment of 500,000 euros and the creation of 35 jobs, Heaven on Earth begins its European expansion plans, after having recently acquired two massage chains in the Seychelles and the Maldives.
The company’s next steps involve investing 2 million euros and opening 20 therapeutic centres in Spain over the coming three years. According to Ashish Kumar Singh, Heaven on Earth’s CEO, the objective is, “to start our European expansion as we want to expand the slow life philosophy, which is so popular in India. We believe that people’s well-being is a result of caring for them”.
Via this strategy, Heaven on Earth’s objective is to perform 400,000 therapies in 2016. Founded in 2007, today it owns 40 spas around the world and employs some 500 hundred workers.