About the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub

The Government of Catalonia has created this directory with a view to promoting startups internationally and helping them grow. Moreover, one of the objectives pursued is positioning the Catalan startup ecosystem worldwide; as part of the global competition amongst the world’s most dynamic and entrepreneurial regions to attract more business, talent, and investment. At the moment, this directory includes more than 2,000 startups from all over Catalonia.
What is a startup?
A startup is a company that:
- is recently established (maximum 10 years).
- is scalable with high growth potential.
- is founded by ambitious entrepreneurs, highly committed to growth.
- is innovative or technological.
- is globally market-focused.
- has a company VAT No. (proposals from self-employed people are not accepted)
- should NOT merely be a consultancy/agency or developing software/apps only for others.
When does a startup stop being a startup?
A startup stops being a startup when:
- it is acquired by a corporation (EXIT).
- its shares are quoted on the stock exchange / Initial Public Offering (EXIT).
- its product has been licensed, in case of a biotech company.
- its founders no longer have management functions and remain mere shareholders.
- it remains inactive for over 1 year.
Terms of Use
The Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub takes no responsibility either for the business data introduced through external sources or for the updating of this data once in the directory. Any company wishing to modify or delete its data from this directory should contact us.
This directory is free and for public use. To reproduce it entirely or partially you should mention the ‘Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub’ as a source while linking it to https://startupshub.catalonia.com/list-of-startups
You can also check the rest of the legal notice.