The Barcelona Health Hub expands its headquarters with an investment of 10 million euros

Catalan Economy

19 Oct 2022

The Barcelona Health Hub (BHH) announced that it will expand its headquarters located in Hospital de Sant Pau, in Barcelona’s city center, with an investment of 10 million euros.

This expansion will be possible thanks to the fact that the Fundació Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, owner of the modernist buildings where BHH is located, will renovate one of their pavilions to host the BHH headquarters.

The renovation will be completed in approximately 2 to 3 years and BHH will have an additional 2,500 m² at its disposal, adding up to a total of 7,500 m².

The BHH, which gathers today 350 members, is a business cluster that functions as a meeting point for startups, investors, corporates, and medical institutions in the field of digital health.

BHH’s president, Cristian Pascual, stated that the new investment will contribute to strengthening Barcelona’s role as a global benchmark in digital health.

The cluster was created in 2018 and it currently has 60 startups, 500 workers, and 350 members. This growth has helped position BHH as one of the world’s leading digital health hubs.

Source: Barcelona Health Hub

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