Financial Times ranks IESE’s Global Executive MBA in Barcelona in the world´s top 10

Catalan Economy

18 Oct 2022

IESE’s Global Executive MBA in Barcelona has been listed in the world’s top 10 programs for the third consecutive year, according to the Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking for 2022.

As the program celebrates its 20th anniversary, it appears in the number 10 position in the latest ranking. One of the reasons for IESE’s excellent position in the FT ranking is the unique international experience that the program provides, ranking no.4 in the world for international course experience.

The Global Executive MBA is a 16-month-long blended program that combines online learning with residential modules in six world cities on at least three continents. Participants get insight on the ground in key business hubs like Silicon Valley, New York, and Dubai, combined with content that explores doing business across borders. 

The international component is also present in the number of nationalities of the participants (95% are from outside Spain) and faculty (97%).

Eric Weber, IESE’s Associate Dean and head of the Global Executive MBA program, said: “Since its launch in 2002, IESE´s Global Executive MBA has been a pioneer in blended learning and using innovative teaching methods to instill an international mindset. This good result in the Financial Times ranking is great recognition for the program team and faculty in a particularly symbolic year as we celebrate 20 years of the program.”

The ranking of the Financial Times is led by the Kellogg/HKust Business School in Hong Kong and followed by two more centers based in China, the Ceibs and the Tsinghua University- Insert.

Source: Financial Times and IESE

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